
marine biology image database

Becher with sea biscuit swimming gastrulae

Becher with sea biscuit swimming gastrulae
Becher with sea biscuit swimming gastrulae
After artificial fertilization and raising embryos in the laboratory, blastulae hatch from the vitelline membrane and begin to swim. Development occurs in the water column from gastrulation to pluteus larva stage until metamorphosis.
After artificial fertilization and raising embryos in the laboratory, blastulae hatch from the vitelline membrane and begin to swim. Development occurs in the water column from gastrulation to pluteus larva stage until metamorphosis.
Bruno C. Vellutini
Taxa: Clypeaster subdepressus
Date: Jan. 11, 2007, 2:23 p.m.
Place: CEBIMar, São Sebastião, SP, Brazil
Geolocation: S 23°49'39" W 45°25'21"
Bruno C. Vellutini. Becher with sea biscuit swimming gastrulae. Cifonauta image database. Available at: Accessed: 2024-09-10.
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1426 images


2010 Vellutini BC, Migotto AE. Embryonic, larval, and juvenile development of the sea biscuit Clypeaster subdepressus (Echinodermata: Clypeasteroida). PLoS ONE, 5(3): e9654, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0009654, pmid:20339592, url: